Prague, Bohemia, Czech Republic. Hradcany is the Praha Castle with churches, chapels, halls and towers from every period of its history. Prague Sightseeing with a Private Guide – Panorama View
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Fatsa is a town and a district of Ordu Province in the central Black Sea region of Turkey. Fatsa is located on a strip of coastline between the Black Sea and the Janik Mountains (Turkish: Canik) and watered by the rivers of Elekçi, Bolaman, Yapraklı and Belice. The current population of the town is 74602.
Fatsa has a hot and humid in summer, mild and damp in winter, with occasional – but heavy – snowfalls.
The countryside and coast of Fatsa are lush in spring and summer time. A number of places in and around the town attract visitors, including;
- The Belice rock on sea
- The ruins of the Pontic Greek Göreği Monastery, 5 km west of Fatsa
- Mount Çıngırtancient rock tombs and vaults
- Lake Gaga– 10 km south-east of Fatsa
- The ruins of Bolaman Castleand the Haznedaroğlu mansion
- Town’s promenade.
- The mineral water springs of Ilıca.
A view of Topkapi palace in Istanbul from the Bhosporus straits.
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İzmir is at Turkey’s uniqe geography which connects Asia and Europe, The Black Sea and Mediterranean, the Eastern point of West, the western point of East.
İzmir is city of tourism. In and around the city, İzmir has rich tourism potential and resources and also an average of 300 sunny days has been living in a year.
İzmir city of universities. It has 9 universities.
İzmir is city of history and archeology, in and around the city, there are many historical and arheological richessness. Efes, Bergama, Agora and Mother Mary’s House have been the most well- known examples of the İzmir’s 8500 years history.
İzmir is the city of culture and art, with it’s thousands years of traditions; İzmir became a center for diffeerent cultures and arts, hosted a lot of international culture and art activities and become a geography bringing together aesthetics and creativity.
İzmir is the city of development, change and transformation which continiously improves of its life quality and education. Young population of İzmir is dynamic and continiously changing.
- Turkey’s 3rd most developed city
- The pivotal city of the Aegean region of Turkey
- Covers an area of 12,012 km2in the western part of Anatolia.
- A population of 3.9 million
- A warm climate, 300 sunny days a year
- Fertile agricultural hinterland fed by 3 main water basins
- The winding coastline resulting in countless, beautiful bays and beaches
Pamer is a course provider registered by the European Commission PIC: 90 98 70 089
Antalya was founded by Attalos the 2nd , a King of Pergamum in 159 B.C., who ordered his men to find him a paradise, and the city was also named Attaleia after him.
This city is a cross-road of ancient Pamphilia, Psidia and Lycia and was established in the most fertile geography of Anatolia. Antalya has been the centre of culture, art, architecture and mythology throughout its history. With it’s nature made up of dark blue seas, spectacular Taurus mountains, fervent waterfalls, boulevards lined with palm trees, award winning marina and world known holiday villages is what makes Antalya the capital of Tourism. Every year millions of tourists from all over the world visiting Antalya for its beauty also benefit from the Antalya Airport with its modern building, latest technology and service provided. Antalya, with its faultless beautiful beaches is and their main attraction by the millions of tourists that visit every year. The clean and beautiful beaches of Antalya, where natures colours blue and green unite, is what makes the areas beaches blue flag. Besides all these natural beauties, Belek, with its International standard Golf courses is well on the way in becoming Europe’s biggest golf centre. Another reason which has made Antalya the centre of attention in world tourism is its climate, and high quality standards in hotels
.One of the most important ancient sites of the Serik County and one that takes its place on the top list in the Archeological world is Aspendos. The 2000 year old Aspendos theatre with its magnificent acoustics, natural beauty and art which has no barriers in language, religion or race, opens its arms to visitors from all over the world at the Aspendos International Opera and Ballet festival held every year. Antalya’s envious historical ruins, together with its amazing natural surroundings remind you of an open air museum. The Upper Düden Waterfall with its spectacular natural beauty is 14 km north of Antalya and attracts people from every corner of the world. The Lower Düden Waterfall cascades to the sea from a height of 40 metres. Kurşunlu Waterfalls, Lara Beach and Konyaaltı Beach are also among other noteworthy attractions of Antalya. Olympos, Bey Mountains National Park and Topcam Beach present impeccable views before your eyes. For those who wish to walk around the natural seauties there are also camping areas on the north end of the park. A bird’s eye view spread out in front of you can be admired from Tünektepe. Antalya is a city that lives 4 seasons at the same time. In the morning you can skiing on the white snow and swim in the beautiful Mediterranean 50 minutes later in the afternoon .Saklıkent, 50 km from Antalya is an ideal and easily reached winter sports centre situated on the northern slopes of the mountains.
Pamer is a course provider registered by the European Commission PIC: 91 69 26 936
Best Educational Apps For Future Teachers
That is the truth that students learn better when they are exposed to different teachıng approaches appealing their visual, audio,audiovisual ,and kıneasthetıc abilities. So the teachers and educators need to improve themselves about the effectıve usage of current trends ın technology ın their classes to ensure effectıve teachıng. Teachers&Educators are expected to be up-to-date on – and be proficient in – the newest technology in the classroom
So with this course we aim to introduce the participants/teachers/educators to the mostly used educatıonal applicatıons, programs, ınteractıve&smart boards, creatıon and adaptatıon of photos and audiovisual resources(movies,videos etc,) to design their own teaching materials and teach every subject in a more effective way .Besides usıng technology densely ın their classrooms, the participants are also goıng to learn how to motivate their students to be more creatıve and ınnovatıve by usıng the strength of art, music, sports and ıct.
By the end of the course, all participants will be familiar with usıng educatıonal applicatİons, tools, programs , usage of ınteractİve boards,basic movie making techniques: writing a script in accordance with their teaching objectives, basic movie shooting, editing techniques, preparıng effectıve presantatıons,preparıng onlıne quızs,surveys and varİous ice breaker activıties to stimulate their students to be more creatıve.
Cultural Activities
In addition to training courses and Benchmarking activities at schools, We are also able to arrange an optional programme of cultural visits in the city where the course is held.
Target Group
Teachers & school staff: primary level; Teachers & school staff: secondary level; Teachers & school staff: special needs Non-governmental organization staff; Recent graduates / Students; School management;
As the course focuses on ıntroducıng various educatİonal applİcatİons and tools , Each participant needs too brıng hıs/her own tablet, Ipad or laptop.
Methodology of the Course
Information. A general introduction on each of the topics.
Sharing. Participants share experiences and expertise on the topic
Presentatıon of each apps ın detaıl
Workshop Practıce of each app or tool by participants.
Creating output. Working individually or in groups on a concrete product to be used in the own school
Each participant will get a Certificate of Attendance
The competences acquired durıng the course will be validated by the course provider on Europass Mobility Certificate.
Course fee
The courses start on Sunday afternoon and end on Saturday 13.00 (7 days).
Fee for tuition and materials :€ 560
The courses for five days start on Sunday afternoon and end on Thursday (5 Days )
Fee for tuition and material €400
Administration Cost :0
More Information
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us .We will be delighted to find out the best solution for you
Time to Become a 21st Century Teacher & New Teaching Methodologies to Motivate Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom
With this course ıt is aimed to share good practice examples on how to lecture in the classroom by using new methods and teaching trends responding to the needs of new generation students.
The Effectıve Use of ICT and Creative Activities to Prevent Early School Leaving
That is the truth that every student has different intelleigence types and learning styles.As being aware of this truth, The teachers and educators need to improve themselves professionally and need to be up to date as regardıng innovative teaching methods , effective use of ICT and eloboratıng their lessons by creative activities.
With this course we aim to introduce the teachers/educators various applications, tools ,games and activities to present their lessons effectively by takıng the attention of their students to the subject. Morever, It ıs aimed to motivate students to attend school classes, to be actively involved in the lessons and activities the teacher organises and to finalise their compulsory education with a diploma.
Target Group
- Teachers of primary schools, secondary schools and vocational schools.
- Adult education teachers.
- Teachers of special needs .
- Teacher trainers.
- Recent Graduates/Students
- Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors.
- Headmasters/principals/managers of schools and organizations offering adult education or vocational education
As the course focuses on introducing various educatİonal applİcatİons and tools , Each participant needs to brıng hıs/her own tablet, Ipad or laptop.
Cultural Activities
In addition to training courses and Benchmarking activities at schools, We are also able to arrange an optional programme of cultural visits in the city where the course is held.
Methodology of the Course
- A general introduction on each of the topics.
- Participants share experiences and expertise on the topic
- Presentatıon of each apps activities and games ın detaıl
- Workshops, Practıce of each app ice breakers,games by participants.
- Creating output. Working individually or in groups on a concrete product to be used in the own school
- Each participant will get a Certificate of Attendance
- The competences acquired durıng the course will be validated by the course provider on Europass Mobility Certificate.
Course fee
- The courses start on Sunday afternoon and end on Saturday 13.00 (7 days).
- Fee for tuition and materials: 560 euro
- The courses for five days start on Sunday afternoon and end on Thursday (5 Days )
- Fee for tuition and material €400
- Administration Cost :0
More Information
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us .We will be delighted to find out the best solution for you
Innovative Teaching Methods for Future Teachers
This course will offer different methods , tools and classroom designs for teachers to motivate their students be more active and creative in lessons.
Main Topics of the Course
- New ideas, practical classroom activities and resources for teaching Literacy and Numeracy
- Developing interactive teaching methods in the classroom ;
- Improving digital skills by working with a range of interesting tools, software and programmes for teaching and learning
- Becoming aware of key issues related to digital literacy in education
- Learnıng how to use Art, Music, Sports, Drama and ICT in teaching
- Integrating game based strategies into technologies in a curriculum.
- Learn how to use the different features of game based learning in education
- The importance of creativity in the learning process – the benefits of creative thinking and encouraging creativity in young learners ;
- Having idea about how to design future classrooms fosterıng creativity .
- An opportunity for teachers to improve their communication skills and confidence in using English in the classroom
- Preparing participants to professionally lead creative and constructive thinking sessions in schools or their organisations .
- Getting knowledge about the new teaching and learning approaches that fit to an effective school
- Getting knowledge and skills on implementation and innovation processes
Target Group
- Teachers of primary schools, secondary schools and vocational schools.
- Adult education teachers.
- Teachers of special needs .
- Teacher trainers.
- Recent Graduates/Students
- Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors.
- Headmasters/principals/managers of schools and organizations offering adult education or vocational education
As the course focuses on introducing various educatİonal applİcatİons and tools , Each participant needs to brıng hıs/her own tablet, Ipad or laptop.
Cultural Activities
In addition to training courses and Benchmarking activities at schools, We are also able to arrange an optional programme of cultural visits in the city where the course is held.
Methodology of the Course
- A general introduction on each of the topics.
- Participants share experiences and expertise on the topic
- Presentatıon of each apps and activity ın detaıl
- Workshops, Practıce of each app and ice breakers by participants.
- Creating output. Working individually or in groups on a concrete product to be used in the own school
- Each participant will get a Certificate of Attendance
- The competences acquired durıng the course will be validated by the course provider on Europass Mobility Certificate.
Course fee
- The courses start on Sunday afternoon and end on Saturday 13.00 (7 days).
- Fee for tuition and materials :€ 560
- The courses for five days start on Sunday afternoon and end on Thursday (5 Days
- Fee for tuition and material €400
- Administration Cost :0
More Information
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us .We will be delighted to find out the best solution for you